Welcome Back!

Hi Studio 7-5-9 Family,  
At last!!!!! We are officially able to announce our studio will be reopening this Monday May 18th! All passes and memberships will be unfrozen, and any passes that expired between March 22nd and May 18th will be extended an additional 2 months. If your pass expired before March 22nd you will need to purchase a new package. 
We have missed every single one of you! We will still be offering the online pre-recorded classes if you are not quite ready to leave your home. We have limited our group class size to 10 clients so you can maintain a 6 ft social distance. The studio has been professionally deep cleaned and will continue to be cleaned on a weekly basis. Daily and hourly cleaning routines have been implemented. Classes will now be spaced 30 minutes apart so that we have time for adequate sanitizing. Please do your part by washing your hands before and after class and do not come to class if you are not feeling well. See you all very soon!
If you would like to schedule a private session or if you have any questions, concerns, or comments please feel free to email us at studio759@zoho.com or message us on Facebook or Instagram.
See you soon!